Monday, May 10, 2010

Happy Birthday Tim

I just want my husband know how much I love him. It was his birthday on May 7. It has been fun celebrating his birthdays. This year we celebrated it with our Niece McKell who also has the same birthday. I think she loves celebrating her birthday with her favorite Uncle Tim.
Tim is really an amazing man. He is always trying to work hard. (that is if I could just leave him alone.) He is always wanting the best for his family. He isn't just a great husband but an awesome Dad. Oh how Porter just loves to play with his Dad. They have a great relationship together and they seem to never get enough time together. Tim I hope that on your day that you know how much I and Porter love you. Thanks for being the man that you are. Keep up the good work.


Kascia and Travis Lybbert said...

Wow Cheri, I haven't checked your blog for awhile, obviously. You have been updating it like crazy! Happy Anniversary!! Crazy. I still remember your wedding day. And that was also the day or the weekend anyway that I got engaged. So it was a special time!! :) Hope all is well!

Kascia and Travis Lybbert said...

Oh, and Happy Birthday, Tim!

AND, Porter is a cutie! Wish I could meet him sometime.

Yorgason said...

hAPPY LATE ANNIversary lady...that is awesome we need to play ya