Monday, May 10, 2010

A Balloon?

One day this blue balloon flies up onto are back porch. Now before this day Porter would always run away from any balloon. He has been scared of balloons all of his life and we really don't know why. So when he found this balloon and wanted it I was surprised. What? Really? Is that all it took for him to not be scared of them anymore was to see one on our back porch? Why couldn't I figured that out sooner. It would have saved me a lot of time. I never liked seeing my Little guy so scared and run away from them. Even when all of his other friends where playing and having so much fun. I just want to thank that mystery balloon for showing up at my back door. Now from that day on he loves balloons and can't get enough of them.

Another thing that Porter does is he will now climb into the ottoman and act like it's his bed. He makes this nice bed and makes sure he has his blanket and then turns to us and says Na Nights. He has never fallen asleep in it yet, but it is still so cute to watch him pretend.

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