Thursday, June 18, 2009

Bath Time Crawl

We have a kid that really loves bath time. I was getting him ready one day for his bath and suddenly he heading straight for the bath. We finally got it on camera. This is just one of his funny things that he does before we give him a bath.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009


One day I thought it would be fun to get Porter outside in his new pool. Lucky for us it is the perfect size for our little deck out in front. We also had perfect weather and the pool was the perfect temperature. Let's go and have some fun!

Porter loved playing in the pool as much or more than we did watching him. It is fun to watch your kid have fun and be themselves.

I think that Tim had more fun splashing Porter. But there is a sad ending to this day. We let Penny, our dog, outside on the deck. You might guess what happened next -- she chewed it up and put holes all over it. So that was the end of that little pool. It was sad because we only got to use it once. However, I did go out to get a new one so Porter will never know the difference. We are lucky he is so young and little that hopefully he won't remember.