Sunday, May 17, 2009

A Cute Little Boy

I have to say that I have one of the cutest little boys out there. I think that is why Tim and I take a lot of pictures of him. These pictures are just some really cute and funny pictures of him. Plus, some of his new faces that he just loves to pull.
However, today was a little scary. We got a hard drive to save all of our pictures in case our computer ever crashed. Which you would think would be enough. However, Porter got our hard drive and hit it onto the ground. It stopped working for awhile and that scared me. It has all of our pictures on it. I thought, "If that doesn't work anymore what am I going to do?" Lucky for us it started to work again. I still thought I will put more up today cause if that happens again at least I will have somewhere to get my pictures again.


Anonymous said...

Ha ha ha...what a character. I can see he is definitely keeping you on your toes! He is getting SOOO big! :) We can't wait to see you guys next week.

Yorgason said...


he's getting so big I can't believe it where does the time go seriously..I think your due for another one lol come on you got to catch up with me lol...