Sunday, October 7, 2007

NEW Purchases!

We bought a treadmill! It's quite nice and complements our current living accommodations. It has a top speed of 10 MPH. Pretty dang fast. It can also take your pulse and calculate how many calories you have burned. It even has a built in fan. Cheri likes it a lot.

We also got a punching bag for Tim. Go figure. It weighs a hefty 100 LBS, but still doesn't stand a chance. Here's a picture of Tim coming off the top rope to lay the wood to this sorry sack of whatever punching bags are full of. It certainly isn't full of hustle.

So why do 2 people living in a basement apartment need to purchase things such as these? Because we live in a basement, we need to keep our sanity.


Justin said...

I am hearing jou! De Glife is as boring as...ehhh....


The Newhard Family said...

Hi you guys,

Love the blog...what does blog mean?

The new stuff is cool, just don't let Tim throw sweat all over the wall when he uses the treadmill.

Does this mean you don't have to call us anymore? :(

Angels lost, Boston fans were obnoxious and drunk. Saw 4 fights in the stands.

Can't wait to see you guys next week.

Love Momz