Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Eleanor Kate is here

 Our little Miss Eleanor is here . She arrived May 20 and 1:23 am weighing in at 7lbs 11oz and 19 1/2 inches long. I am glad to report that She and mommy are doing good. She really is a beautiful baby girl and is a great joy in our family.
 Everyone always wants to know the story of how it went. I will tell you this labor was a lot easier the Porter's. Let me just start the story on May 19. I was schedule for a stress test and going out of my mind of what could happen or what they could find. I just wanted her to be OK.
They strap the monitors on you and check her heart rate and my contractions. They were saying that if her heart rate doesn't start to pick up they will have to induce me. Lucky for us her heart rate started to pick up. After the test I had an appointment with my Doctor. We finally set up an appointment to be induce for the next day unless she comes before that.
We finally got home after being at the doctors for about two hours. I was tired and just wanted to go and take a nap. That is when the contractions started. They were about ten minutes apart and the being of the hour and down to five minutes apart by the end. I just wasn't ready to go to the hospital. It was about 6:30 pm when I was ready to go cause I couldn't handle back labor any more. They got me all set up and the epidural finally came. Finally the back labor was gone. I now feel for all the woman out there that have felt or gone through back labor.
All we were waiting for was my water to break. Finally about one in the morning it broke and now we are just waiting for the doctor to show up. Then finally she came to us with all the crying in the world. It is a great sound when for nine plus months you have been waiting to hear.
After all the cleaning and measuring was all done she calmed right down. I hope that is a sign for things to come.

 When Porter arrived I think he was more excited to she Tim and I that when he finally got to see and hold Eleanor he wasn't sure what to do. Really he didn't want to hold her, but he was really nice to her. I think right now that is all we can ask for.

1 comment:

Marcie said...

Congrats. I am happy for you.