Thursday, March 4, 2010


What can I say about the month of February?! We had some fun times with not so fun times. I guess I will start by telling you about our fun time. As we all know Valentines is in the month of February. This year Tim and I got to actually go out just the two of us. My Sister Trina was so nice to take Porter for the night. Thank you again Trina and her family for helping us out. It was so nice just to get out just the two of us. We don't get to do that as often as we like. We actually had adult conversation and can actually concentrate on us. We decided that we would eat at the Olive Garden cause we had a gift card. We lived it up, got an appetizer, our meal, and dessert. That doesn't happen often so it was nice. After we were so full from all of the delicious food we ate we just came home watched a movie and went to bed. It felt nice not to have to worry about time and our little guy. I think we need to do that more often Sweetheart.
Now the last part of our month didn't turn out that great. The day after Valentines Porter gets a fever and is down. He wouldn't drink much or even eat any food. All he would do was sleep. I have never seen him this way it was really sad to watch. When he was awake he just wanted to be held and that didn't last long. After three days of him just sleeping and him having a high fever. I finally took him in to see the Doctor. Come to find out he had a double ear infection. Which I was so glad that it was that and not Mono. Which I was starting to think it was cause I could pick him and try to wake him but he would only open his eyes for two minutes before going back to sleep. I guess it was nice that he was in the mood to be lazy cause Tim and I both got sick and needed to rest. All and all the last two weeks of February were all about getting the family better. Thank goodness we are all doing great now. Porter is back to his cute little normal self.

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