On June 25th at 9am Cheri was induced at Alta View Hospital in Sandy, UT and at 4:09am on June 26th Porter was delivered by Dr. Layne Smith.
He weighs 8 lbs. 3 oz. is 19" long and his head is 38cm around. He has dark brown hair and a lot of it. Cheri thinks that he has Tim's lips and forehead. His nose looks more like Cheri's.
Mom and dad are still recovering from the long night. Mom more than dad for obvious reasons.
Congratulations to all of the new and repeat grandparents and great-grandparents in the family; as well as, all of the aunts, uncles, cousins, and friends. We know that your help and influence will play a huge part in raising this little guy. We finally get to cash in on some of that baby sitting equity that Cheri has accrued over the years.
Thank you to everyone that has been so generous with their time and gifts during Cheri's pregnancy. You have certainly helped our little guy get the best start possible. And ultimately, that is all we can hope to do. He will eventually have to live his own life and make his own decisions; we just have to hope that we have taught him the right things and given him the best opportunities to learn and grow.