Wednesday, February 27, 2008

More Care Packages

Grandpa Selle sent us a care package with all kinds of baby essentials in it (towels and outfits). Thanks Grandpa. We also got some more indoctrination essentials (mostly Angels stuff), we won't be disappointed of the kid doesn't like baseball, but we would be shocked. We also took a trip down to Provo to get some BYU gear. Our little boy will look quite smart when the season kicks off this fall.

Cheri's Bump

Cheri has a little bump, which we suppose is a baby. Last month her bump grew 4 cm. We are not concerned about this bump and hope that it continues to grow and kick.

Lots of SNOW!!

There has been a lot of snow this year and Tim got to shovel most of it. He piled a lot of it up in one spot. Lately it has been getting into the high forties and low fifties, but this pile still has some legs. This picture was taken a couple weeks ago.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Baby Care Package

We got a care package from Grandma and Grandpa Newhard; and Auntie Jenni and Uncle Hughie Davidson. The package contained lots of clothes for the baby along with other infant essentials such as towels, burp clothes, and chocolates for Cheri.

Thank you guys.

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Tim Goes to Atlanta

Tim is a big deal now -- he has gone on his first business trip. The magical destination for this first trip is Atlanta. Atlanta is a pretty nice place. There are lots of things to do, most things are close to downtown, it feels safe, and the weather is nowhere as bad as UT (at least tis time of year).

Plans include a trip to the Georgia Aquarium and Coke World. Maybe some sporting events.

The best part of the trip so far has been all the new things Tim has learned. He is attending a training conference for his work and is learning specifically about cool new things to do in eLearning.

The conference is at the Georgia World Congress Center which is right next to Centennial Olympic Park, the CCN Center, the Georgia Aquarium, Phillips Arena, and the Georgia Dome.

He misses Cheri and spends time calling and texting her throughout the day.